8bit TRICX Game Engine
Back in 2003 when Ironcode started working on games we developed a 2D game engine called TRICX, which powered the next two games from Ironcode Gaming (called Ironcode Software back then) Riotball and Lastman Standing on TRICX game engine which features:
- 2D Hardware/Software Acceleration
- Low memory/Hard Drive footprint
- Extensively Data-Driven
- Cross-Platform (Windows, Linux)
- Inbuilt UI support
- Dirty Rects
- MOD/Tracker file support
The first two Games released by Ironcode, Lastman Standing (a Tank Shooter) and Riotball (Breakout Game) were developed on TRICX.
Likely the first game engine developed by an Indian game development studio. TRICX was a stable codebase and it was commercially used in producing games for the international audience mostly on Windows and Linux.
The distinction of TRICX can be gauged by the fact that games built on it run on all versions of Windows from Windows 95 to Windows 8 and Linux.

Break bricks, bounce coins, collect gems, fight bosses, and make a big score in this fun breakout game. Riotball has 120 regular levels, and 50 bonus/boss levels giving a total of 170 levels in the game!
Once you start bouncing the coins and scoring big points, collecting the gems to play boss and bonus levels, you will find that this is the most addictive breakout game around!
Title: Riotball, Developer: Ironcode Software, Release Date: Nov 7 2005
Riotball ran on 256 colours and still had a wildest game play appeal of interesting speed controls for player to navigate the ball reflections, probably only on breakout game that ever did this.

It’s The End For Humanity. Mankind is locked in a battle for survival against the machines
Mankind is locked in a battle for survival against the machines. War computer Skullnet has decided that the earth no longer needs humans. Use your mad keyboard skills and show him how wrong he is.
Title: Last Man Standing, Developer: Ironcode Gaming, Release Date: Sept 2004
It required a colour value of only 8bits or only 256 total colours for the whole art and the game size was only 1.8 Mb in size launched in Sep 2004.