War computer Skullnet has decided that the earth no longer needs humans. Use your mad keyboard skills and show him how wrong he is.
Fast-Paced Tank Shooter

“I kept looking and saying, gosh they only move in four directions, and they don’t do much other than shoot, I should be able to beat this”. “I kept playing and playing and playing. There’s a certain addictive quality to it”.
It’s the end for humanity
Mankind is locked in a battle for survival against the machines. War computer Skull-net has decided that the earth no longer needs humans. Use your mad keyboard skills and show him how wrong he is
- Put your keyboard skills to test!
- 61 levels of tank blasting action
- Big, nasty bosses!
- Instant delivery. Buy & Download!
System Requirements: Windows, DirectX 5+, 32Mb RAM, Graphics Card.